Here you'll find some of the artwork I've done either for fun or as a class assignment.
Most of it is digital, but I also enjoy making tangible art such as stenciling,
origami, and sketching.
Destroyer of Worlds
Poster quote of Robert Oppenheimer's famouse line, "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds". This was the first piece of an assignment to make two posters for quotes.
Without Music
Poster quote of Neitzsche. I'm a musician mysef and use it to express myself and relate to others. This is one of my favorite quotes. This was the second piece of an assignment to make two posters for quotes.
Dog Walking
A fun an interesting effect I did on a photo of a person walking their dog. The assignment was just to remove something from the portrait and I just had fun with it.
More Wine?
This is a cinemagraph I did for class. I filmed myself pouring wine and then used photoshop to edit it so only the liquid falling into the glass is animated, while the rest is a still shot.
Games Knoll
This assignment was to create a knoll in Illustrator. I chose to create a knoll based on video game systems since I enjoy playing games. I created a color palette and primarily used the pen tool and pathfinder in Illustrator to draw the piece.
Ancient Tree
I took this photo while out with my girlfriend on a hamocking trip. Later I converted it to grayscale, adjusted values, and touched it up using the burn tool to give it this awesome ancient look. To me it's just really calming and peaceful to look at.
Grayscale Self Portrait
Self portrait I converted to grayscale, enhanced, and touched up.
Recolored Self Portrait
Custom recoloring of my self portrait after enhancing in grayscale. So I converted the original image to grayscale, touched it up and enhanced it, and then I brought the color back to life by hand, and that is what you see before you.
Grayscale Airplane Wing
Photo I took on the way to San Jose for a conference. It was my first time ever flying and I managed to get a few decent photos from my window seat.
Recolored Airplane Wing
Custom recoloring of airplane photo after enhancing in grayscale. So I converted the original image to grayscale, adjusted the values, and enhanced it, and then I brought the color back to life by hand.
If you look closely, you'll notice something interesting about this photo--there is an airplane on a helipad. This piece is what I did for a class assignment to place a 3D model in an image and make it "fit in." I chose a 3D model of an airplane, used Photoshop to place it, recolored, adjusted levels, added shadows for realism, and added a lens flare for fun.