
So you wanna know a little bit about me? Okay, but be warned, I’m not that interesting.

I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I am a software engineer at First Orion in downtown Little Rock. I love spending time with my girlfriend, Cherokey, and our labradoodle puppers, Leo. I’m always working on side software projects of my own. I play guitar and enjoy experimenting and creating my own riffs and songs. I really love to cook and like to learn new foods and styles–authentic cuisine FTW!

More Information

Technical things about me (if you’re interested):

  • Favorite Programming Language(s): currently…Python 3, Scala, and Elixir
  • Favorite Computer Science Topic: hmm, that’s tough. Automation, Configuration and Extendability at least
  • IDEs and Editors of Choice:
    • PyCharm - Python
    • Intellij - JVM Languages (e.g. Java, Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, etc.)
    • Visual Studio Code OR Atom - casual text editing (e.g. simple Python scripts)
  • GitHub or BitBucket: GitHub (for personal use)
  • Operating System Preference: *Nix in general
  • Favorite data structure: Maps of course

Contact me

Tweet @kingzach77 or email kingzach77@gmail.com