My Bash & Linux Cheatsheet

I’ll try to make this post brief. Earlier today, I was thinking of all the things I learned during my internship as a DevOps Engineer, specifically nix-related things. During this bit of nostalgia, I considered how useful it would’ve been having certain things compiled into one handy list–or cheatsheet–which I could’ve refered to. So without further ado, please enjoy *my version of a Linux/Bash cheatsheet; I hope you enjoy it!


Common Terminology

Term Explanation
directory another word for a “folder” but really more appropriate; “folder” is the more visual innuendo for graphically-based operating systems (e.g. Windows)
path the route to a file or directory on the machine (e.g. /home/zcking/hello_file.txt)
root (path) the base directory the file system is mounted on; path denoted by starting with a slash (e.g. /); e.g. a file hello.txt in the root directory would have the full path of /hello.txt
stdout standard output stream; used by programs to output text/data; can be redirected to files or other programs; normally directed to the active terminal session running the program
stderr standard error stream; used by programs to output error text/data; can be redirected to files or other programs
stdin standard input stream; used by programs to receive input text/data; can be redirected to come from other files or programs
process running/active program; has a Process Identifier (PID) that acts as a handle

Very Common Bash Commands

Command Description
ls lists files in current directory
cd <path> changes the current directory to <path> (e.g. “moves into a folder”)
less <file> outputs the contents of a file in a scrollable/interactive manner
cat <file> outputs the contents of a file to the terminal’s stdout (non-interactive)
head <file> outputs the top 10 lines of a file to the stdout; use head -n <num> <file> to outuput the first num lines
tail <file> outputs the last 10 lines of a file to the stdout; use tail -n <num> <file> to output the last num lines
sudo <command> run <command> as the root user; necessary for commands requiring elevated privileges etc. take high precaution when doing this
sudo su - switch to the root user; take high precaution when doing this
man <command> view the “man” page (“man” = “manual”) for the <command>; useful for learning optional flags and command usages
cp <file1> <file2> copy file1 to file2
mv <file1> <file2> move/rename file1 to file2
mkdir <name> make a new directory called name
which <app> show which path will be used to an application/command by default
df show disk usage
du show directory space usage
free show memory and swap usage
top display all running processes
ps display your currently-running processes
wget <url> download a file over HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP
curl <url> transfer a URL; supports several protocols including HTTP and FTP
ssh -i <pem_key> <user>@<host> connect to <host> as user <user>, using a PEM key <pem_key>
tar cf <file>.tar <files> create a tar (archive)
tar xf <file>.tar extract the files from a tar
tar czf <file>.tar.gz <files> create a tar with Gzip compression
tar xzf <file>.tar.gz extract the files from a tar with Gzip compression
gzip <file> compress the file <file> and rename it to <file>.gz
gzip -d <file>.gz uncompresses a Gzip-compressed file and renames it to <file>
vim <file> edit a file with the terminal text editor, Vim



In Bash, variables are very common. To create a variable yourself:


Then to get the value of the variable:

echo $varname

Special Variables

Here are some of the more unique global variables available in bash:

# The number of arguments given to the script/function
echo $#

# Example:
function numargs() { echo $#; }
numargs foo bar bang # outputs 3


# The exit code of the last command/program
echo $?

# Example:
sleep 1
echo $? # Outputs 1


# The process ID of the last command/program backgrounded
echo #!

# Example:
sleep 60 &
echo $! > # Write the PID (e.g. '5170') to a file

Access Permissions

Access to files and directories is controlled through their permissions.

Viewing permissions

To view the permissions for files and directories in path, you can use ls -l to list the files and directories in a long format, which includes the permissions levels. An example output of this might be:

-rw-rw-r--  1 zcking zcking   348 Jun 23 15:12
-rw-rw-r--  1 zcking zcking  1351 Jun 24 14:45
-rw-rw-r--  1 zcking zcking  1740 Jun 24 16:47 artwork.html
drwxrwxr-x  3 zcking zcking  4096 Jun 23 15:45 assets

The first column of the output is the permissions levels. This column’s value is actually broken up into three sections: the owner’s permissions, the group’s permissions, and all other users’ permissions. There are three character slots for each of these three sections, denoted by r, w, and x. r means the corresponding user(s)/group can read the file; w means they can write, or modify the file; and x means they can execute the file as an executable program.

The third column is the owner of the file/directory, and the fourth column is the group it belongs to. Therefore, if you look at the file, you can see the owner and group for it are both zcking (me); as the owner, the user zcking can read and write from/to the file, and likewise for the group. However, because the third section is r--, all other users can oly read the file.

Changing permissions

To change the permissions on a file or directory, two commands are commonly used:

chmod <code> <path>


chown <user>:<group> <path>

With chmod you specify the permissions (rwx) for the owner, group, and other users via an integer representation. See, the three characters rwx are actually represented as binary, because each character/permission is just a toggle-able flag. For example, r-x would equal 101 in binary, which is 5 in decimal. Here’s another example: rw- equals 110 in binary and 6 in decimal. So if you wanted to grant the owner and group read, write, and execute permissions, but all other users only read-access, you would write

chmod 774 /path/to/my_file

With chown, you can quickly change the ownership of a file or directory. If you wanted to change the ownership of a file my_file.txt, you would run something like the following:

chmod zcking:zcking my_file.txt

There’s a lot more you can learn regarding permissions, especially little details that make matters more convenient (e.g. chmod u+x, but I won’t dive too deep into it here; if you’re interested in this more, check out this wiki on file permissions and attributes.



Processes are the handles for the applications themselves in *nix systems, and are very commonly handled directly when operating in the terminal.

Start a process

Starting a process is ultimately done by running an executable. An executable is any executable script, or program, on the machine. To run that, you simply specify the path to the file; e.g. ./

List running processes

To view the currently running processes you can use the ps command. This command has a lot of options for changing what output you get from it, but I personally prefer the ps aux usage. This looks something like so:

root         1  0.0  0.0 119652  5676 ?        Ss   22:31   0:01 /sbin/init splash
root         2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    22:31   0:00 [kthreadd]
root         4  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   22:31   0:00 [kworker/0:0H]
root         6  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   22:31   0:00 [mm_percpu_wq]
root         7  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    22:31   0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
root         8  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    22:31   0:03 [rcu_sched]
root         9  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    22:31   0:00 [rcu_bh]
root        10  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    22:31   0:00 [migration/0]
root        11  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    22:31   0:00 [watchdog/0]

The column headers are self-explanatory. The most important ones usually are PID and COMMAND; that tells you what is actually running as well as the PID which can then use to kill the process if needed.

A useful trick for finding the PID, or checking if there is a process running, for something, is to list the processes and then search for the command using grep. You can do this with

ps aux | grep <command>

That lists the processes and searches for the word <command> in the output. For example, I could run ps aux | grep splash and get the following output:

root         1  0.0  0.0 119652  5676 ?        Ss   22:31   0:01 /sbin/init splash
zcking    9443  0.0  0.0  14228   988 pts/1    S+   23:48   0:00 grep --color=auto splash

Killing a process

If you wish to kill/halt/shutdown a process, you use the kill command. This command’s usage is kill <PID> but I prefer to use kill -9 <PID>. The -9 is an alternate kill signal, but it basically ensures the process will definitely get stopped.

Another way to kill a process, is using the pkill command:

pkill -f python

That will kill all the processes with the command python.

My preferred method, however, when spawning a process is to write the PID to a file upon starting the new process. Then you can easily kill the process using that PID file; to do that, you use the pkill -F <PID file> command. Example:

sleep 600 & # Start a long-running process
echo $! > # Write the PID to a file
pkill -F # Kill the process using the PID file

Note: sudo may be needed to kill processes.

Backgrounding a process

By default, when executing a program from the terminal, you’ll have to wait for it to complete; however, you can tell the process to run in the background and not block up your workflow in the terminal.

To run a process in the background when executing it, just slap an ampersand on the end of the command:

python /home/zcking/ &

This will run the command’s process in the background and output the PID, then immediately return the terminal’s stdin, stdout, etc. to you.

If you’re already running a program (e.g. you forgot to put the &), you can hit Ctrl+Z (or Cmd+Z on Mac) to background the process. Doing this won’t give you the PID, but you can easily find that using the ps aux | grep <command> method.


Redirecting stdout and stderr

Most often, your programs you run will have some form of output. This output typically gets sent to the standard output stream or standard error stream, called stdout and stderr respectively. For example, most programming languages offer a print() function; here’s some examples:

Language How to print to stdout
C++ std::cout << "Hi.";
Python print("Hi.")
Java System.out.println("Hi.");

When you do this, that output is actually going to stdout; you see it appear in your terminal when running the program because by default stdout is the buffer you’re looking at for your terminal session.

However, sometimes we don’t want the output appearing in our terminal. Perhaps you’d like to redirect it to a file to act as a log file for the application.

To redirect stdout from a program to a file, you can use the > or the >> operator.

Overwriting the file you direct output to

The > operator will overwrite the file you redirect to. So if the file exists prior to running the command, its contents will be replaced by the new output. This may not be behavior you are looking for with log-type files, since you probably want to persist the output.


python > output.txt

Appending to the file you direct output to

The >> operator will append to the file, as opposed to overwriting it. This is useful if you wish to keep using the same file without losing old output.


python >> output.txt

Redirect both stdout and stderr to a file

Using > or >> alone won’t do much for stderr, which is where your program should be outputting its error output. To redirect both streams to the same file you would use 2>&1 in combination with the > or >> operator; this tells the OS to redirect stderr (file descriptor = 2) to the stdout stream (file descriptor = 1). For example:

python > output.txt 2>&1


Basic File Hierarchy

One of my favorite things about Linux is how it organizes files into a standardized, well-organized hierarchy. Here is the basic, common directory names used in Linux and what they should contain:

Directory Name Description
bin/ binary files; executables; scripts and programs
lib/ libraries for use by binaries
src/ source code
tmp/ temporary files; often not preserved between system reboots
opt/ optional application software packages
etc/ configuration files
var/ variable files; files expected to change during normal operations (e.g. log files)

Furthermore, there are specific directories for certain things in the OS:

Directory Description
/bin/ essential command binaries (e.g. cat, less, ls, etc.)
/dev/ device files (e.g. /dev/null)
/home/ users’ home directories, containing personal files
/root/ the root user’s home directory
/var/log/ log files
/var/run/ run-time variable data (e.g. PID files)
/usr/ secondary hierarchy for read-only user data; contains most (multi-)user utilities and applications
Written on July 27, 2018